Product details

Attention to the Public and Quality of Service.

Excellent training aimed at administrative staff, secretaries and all those people who may eventually fulfill a function of Customer Service.

The general objective of this workshop is to create in the participants favorable attitudes for effective and cordial treatment with the public and co-workers, based on the principles of communication, the helping relationship and effective resolution of situations directed towards a culture of effective leadership. At the end of the content, the participant will be able to develop effectively in the following:

-Become aware of their own behavior and its impact on others.

-To make the participants aware of the relationship between the performance of their role of customer service and the image of the company.

-Promote a change of attitude favorable to dealing with the public and colleagues.

-Become aware of your communication style and how it affects your relationship with people.

-Identify your style of attention to the public.

-Identify the necessary characteristics to establish a good relationship with people.

-Acquire the necessary skills to interact effectively at an interpersonal and group level, aimed mainly at the public that will attend.

$120.99 USD
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