How to Avoid a Forklift Rollover

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How to Avoid a Forklift Rollover?

Rollovers are occupational accidents related to industrial vehicles, they are situations of repetitive occurrence that generate serious injuries to operators and users of the environment. To mitigate the risk we have listed some recommendations. This list includes the operator's procedures to reduce the risk of falls, collisions, or loss of load.

To prevent your forklift from tipping over, tipping over, or dropping the load:

· Make sure the load is stable and well supported on the forks.

· Do not tilt the forks forward except when lifting or placing a load.

· Pull the load back just enough to stabilize it.

· Keep the load low, only slightly above the ground, and with the forks back when traveling.

· If possible, cross railway lines diagonally.

· Enter the elevators directly.

· Keep the load uphill when going up or down a sloping surface.

· Drive at a speed that allows you to stop within the stability triangle safely.

· Slow down on wet or slippery surfaces.

· Slow down to turn.

· Avoid driving over loose objects or on surfaces with ruts or bumps.

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