Chemicals used in factories can harm your health when they get into or touch your body. Chemicals are more dangerous in some ways than others. For example, solids and heavy liquids stay in one place and are less likely to be in the air unless dust or fumes are generated when they are ground, heated, or sawn. Sprays, aerosols, or gases as well as dust, smoke, vapors, and mist created when certain chemicals are used are more dangerous because they can quickly enter the air. They are also small enough to get into your nose and lungs. As chemicals spread and settle on floors, windows, work surfaces, inside machines, and exhaust and ventilation ducts, you are much more likely to come into contact with them. At the end of the course, the participant will be able to differentiate the risk of each material and proceed to handle it correctly, repeating the preventive regulations, in addition to applying primary emergency care to spills and other accidents.
Developed by: @amirrams